< Ozark Mountain Players - Mansfield Missouri
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Ozark Mountain Players
Home About Us Laura's Memories
                              This years performance of "Laura's Memories" has been cancelled due to COVID-19.  We plan to be back on stage in 2021!!

Welcome to Mansfield, Missouri ....

Where Laura Ingalls Wilder lived for over 63 years and wrote her “Little House” books! We hope you enjoy your visit and the musical pageant that honors one of America’s greatest authors of children’s literature.  

OMP is a regional, non-profit theatre group committed to providing quality family entertainment.

Ozark Mountain Players purpose is to provide Mansfield and surrounding area with a cultural activity embracing live theater of a professional quality and to build goodwill and community participation with pride, as it enriches, educates and entertains.

Come celebrate Laura Ingalls Wilder, one of America’s favorite authors, as the Ozark Mountain Players (OMP) bring history to life. In this original musical production, performed in an outdoor amphitheater, Wilder reminisces about her childhood pioneer days and her extraordinary family. "Laura’s Memories" captures Wilder’s journeys across the frontier before finally arriving in Mansfield, Missouri where she and Almanzo spent their remaining years.

We look forward to entertaining you!


Ozark Mountain Players
PO Box 113 ~ Mansfield, MO  65704
(417) 554-3292   Email:  OMPMansfield@gmail.com   Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home & Museum Website:   lauraingallswilderhome.com

Amphitheatre located at 425 W. Ohio Street, Mansfield, Missouri